Georgsmarienhütte, 28.02.2024

Green steel and the energy turnaround: Press visit to Georgsmarienhütte


GMH Gruppe, a pioneer in the field of low-emission steel production (Green Steel), inaugurated a new single-bar tempering system (EVA) that exemplifies the path of green transformation. Journalists were able to witness live steel production and tempering, and had the opportunity to talk to the management about the current challenges of an energy-intensive industry in the midst of the energy transition. bmb-consult was tasked with the invitation, content creation and media support on site and following the event.


  • Selection of the relevant media for this event
  • Contacting, inviting and coordinating
  • Preparation of press material
  • On-site support during the event
  • Arranging interviews and following up with journalists
  • Monitoring press coverage of the event


Fifteen participants from various media segments accepted the invitation. In addition to the relevant press information on the importance of emission-reduced production processes for the steel industry, the journalists were given a look behind the scenes of GMH's pioneering electric arc furnace technology. The "EVA event", as it was known in editorial circles, led to extensive online and print coverage as well as individual radio and television reports. Following the event, further interview requests were received from national media and television stations.